is a blog that is created to enable some kind of outlet to exhibit some Finnish model 1930 definitives in a situation, where one does not have any time to prepare a collection for a serious philatelic exhibition. On these pages I present, in my own way, different subjects that have to do with M30 and M30 postal history and philatelic items. I also ponder on any possible and impossible issues with regards to M30 definitives, and collecting them.
It is my intention to gather information, pictures, and even some kind of an archive (in the future) for finding and understanding the M30. I will update the blog when I feel like it, and when I have time to do so. I will post, for example, on new objects that I have found, but also on issues relevant to collecting the M30 definitives such as postal rates and sources of information. I will most likely post less actively in English, but will try to translate my posts in ”finite” time.
I hope these pages benefit their reader and at the least offer some kind of past-time with M30 definitives.
If anyone has interesting M30 items to sell I would appreciate them contacting me directly.
In Salo 25.1.2014 Mikael Collan