This post is a continuation to the earlier post on local letters with model 1930 definitives. Here I present the four following rate-periods of local letter rates of the total twelve during the M30 official period of use. Here the rates from the period 1.9.1942 – 30.11.1948 are discussed.
The fifth rate period (1.9.1942 – 30.6.1945), 2 years 10 months.
Above: A local letter in Helsinki 5.1.1943. M30 2½mk blue. The 2½mk blue was originally issued (in 1932) to be used with first weight class letters to a foreign destination. Rate (-20g) 2,50mk.
Above: A local letter in Pietarsaari 6.5.45. M30 2½mk red (originally meant to be used as postage on foreign destination post cards). Rate (-20g) 2,50mk.
Above: Local letter in Helsinki 7.12.1943. M30 2½mk red. Redispatched to within Helsinki. Christmas seals (against tuberculosis). Rate (-20g) 2,50mk.
Above: Second weight class local letter in Helsinki 10.4.1945. 2 pcs M30 2½mk red, total of 5mk. Rate (21-250g) 5,00mk
Above: Registered local letter in Helsinki 11.1.1943. 2 pcs M30 2½mk red and one 1mk green, total of 6mk. Rate: Local letter rate (-20g) 2,50mk, registration (1.9.1942 – 30.6.1945) 3,50mk, total of 6,00mk
Above: Insured second weight class local letter posted in Kemi 22.1.1944, this is not your everyday local letter. 9mk postal building, 50p green and four pieces of 10p grey for a total of 9,90mk. Insured for 3500mk and weight written on top: 35g. Paper seals on the back. Rate: Local letter (21-250g; 1.4.1942 – 30.6.1945) 5,00mk, registration (1.9.1942 – 30.6.1945) 3,50mk, insurance 3000-4000mk (IV payment class) 1.1.1935 – 30.6.1945 1,20mk, sealing of an insured letter (1.2.1921 – 30.11.1944) 0,50mk, total of 10,20mk. This is under the set rate by 0,30mk. It seems the insurance rate has been miscalculated. Insured local letters are difficult objects.
Sixth rate-period (1.7.1945 – 15.1.1946), period of 6½ months.
Above: Local letter in Helsinki 2.11.1945. M30 4mk olive; typical use of this stamp – Rate (-20g) 4,00mk.
Above: Local letter in helsinki 8.8.1945. M30 50p green, 1mk green and 2,5mk red, total of 4mk. Rate (-20g) 4,00mk.
Above: Local letter in Helsinki 7.9.1945, 2 pcs of 2mk yellow, total of 4mk. Rate (-20g) 4,00mk.
Above: Second weight class local letter in helsinki 10.12.1945. M30 2 pcs 1mk green and 5mk blue, together 7mk. Rate (21-125g) 7,00mk
Above: Registered local letter in Helsinki 24.8.1945, 1mk green, 3mk red and 5mk St. Olav’s castle, a total of 9mk. Rate: local letter (-20g) 4mk, registering 1.7.1945 – 15.1.1946 5mk, a total of 9,00mk.
The sevetnth rate-period (16.1.1946 – 31.12.1947), lenght of the period 1 year 11½ months. The first (official) local rate areas were established during this rate period.
Above: A local letter in Pori 2.8.1946. 6mk red single. Rate (-20g) 6,00mk.Above: local letter in Helsinki 8.6.1947. 6mk orange single. Rate (-20g) 6,00mk.
Above: local letter in Suonenjoki 23.8.1947 – a local letter from a small township with a clear cancel. Rate (-20g) 16.1.1946 – 31.12.1947 6,00mk.
Above: local letter in Helsinki with a 1mk green and 5p brown 9.9.1946. The 5 penni stamp has been used in stead of a 5mk stamp to fool the post office. Rate (-20g) 16.1.1946 – 31.12.1947 was 6,00mk. Underpaid. Above: second weight class local letter 11?.1.1947 in Helsinki. M30 8mk violet and 2mk green. Rate (21-125g) 10,00mk
Above: second weight class local letter 23.9.1947 in Helsinki. 10mk violet. Rate (21-125g) 10,00mk
Above: registered local letter 19.8.1946 in Helsinki (Helsinki 1). M30 1mk green, 3mk yellow, 10mk blue for a total of 14mk. Sent to a ship. Rate: Local letter (-20g) 6,00mk, registration 16.1.1946 – 31.12.1946 8,00mk, total of 13,00mk.
Above: a registered second weight class local letter 21.10.1946 in Helsinki. M30 8mk violet and 10mk blue. Rate: local letter (21g-125g) 10,00mk, registration 16.1.1946 – 31.12.1946 8,00mk, total of 18,00mk.
Above: registered second weight class local letter 13.11.1947 in Helsinki (a good clear cancel on the back). M30 20mk postal building. Rate: local letter (21-125g) 10,00mk, registration 1.1.1947 – 31.12.1947 10,00mk, total of 10,00mk. The rate was in effect for exactly one year.
The eight rate period (1.1.1948 – 30.11.1948), lenght of the rate period 11 months.
Above: local letter in Turku 15.10.1948 (Turku 1), M30 7mk red. Rate (-20g) 7,00mk.
Above: local letter in Helsinki 18.2.1948 (Huopalahti). M30 7mk postal building. Rate (-20g) 7,00mk.Above: local letter in Helsinki 17.2.1948 (Oulunkylä), M30 1mk green and 3 pcs 2mk green, total of 7mk. Rate (-20g) 7,00mk.
Above: local letter with cash on delivery from Nakkila 2.1.1948 to Toejoki (near the city of Pori in the Satakunta region of Finland – West coast), arrived 3.1.1948. Amount of COD 56mk, 10mk violet and 5mk yellow, total of 15mk. Rate: local letter (-20g) 7,00mk, COD (-5000mk) 1.1.1948 – 30.11.1948 8,00mk, total 15,00mk.
Above: second weight class local letter 16.3.1948 in Helsinki. M30 12/10mk violet. Rate (21-125g) 12,00mk.Above: second weight class registered local letter 9.7.1948 in Helsinki (Helsinki 6). M30 5mk yellow, 7mk red, and 12mk blue – total of 24mk. Rate: local letter (21-125g) 12,00mk, registration (1.1.1948 – 30.11.1948) 12,00mk, total 24,00mk.